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Gagik Petrosian

English version Հայերեն տարբերակ      








It isn’t excluded the loss of the meaning
during the translation, which was done
from the original: the eastern Armenian
So we ask if it isn’t understood well,
to translate once more or to read from
the original, which I present to you.
It’s preferred that since now Eastern Armenian or
Western Armenian will be chosen as a communicative language.

Lately, I have applied to all the highest structures of the power of the Eastern Armenia on a very important occasion, which concerns the health of the man and his recovery, but the national authority thought as if in a stone century, ignoring the adopted rule and order of a civilized world, and left some of my messages unanswered.

First of all I let all the nations know that against all the illnesses the treatment of the human beings the genius and only one simple, essential mean. For many years, sufferings and risk was demanded to reach that simple means, which doesn’t contradict or correspond to the medical science and laws of our days. I ask all the inhabitants of the of our planet not to blame the medicine for its disability, as the doctors don’t have to blame for the variant that is passing by and now is considered a leaving variant for their school.

Almost all the sciences, as well as the medicine are up to now dry and have a local character, so there was a need to bring medicine and all the other sciences together close to the greatest doctor and teacher: mother nation and space. Let’s remember the talented words of an ancient doctor, the medicine is prescribed by the doctor but the treatment is done by the nature. Unfortunately that genius couldn’t understand the relation between Mother Nature and human beings wholly, which is an obligatory union in almost all the sciences. Don’t try to use the nation, but make use of it. The human being that is an unnoticeable part of the space, can’t be a separated or be far from his creator, but can only move. Always remember the genius idea and words of my grandmother, which I made a reality, “My son, every person is his doctor”. Of course it doesn’t mean that the doctors aren’t needed any more, partly and temporarily they will be needed.

By the mean that we have discovered, we make the serious diseases of the age disappear, which gave irresistible senile sufferings, bringing to the quick physical removal of the man. This mean will make the man’s short life longer for ten or twenty years which is short as it is.

As the present authorities of the eastern Armenia showed political, economical and scientific untidiness towards this great international humane phenomenon, so I can make public this mean by the state television of one of the countries, with the serious and stablerecommendation of civilized countries and big authoritative medical organizations at the same time presenting it to get license in all the countries. When you open the secret, the man thinks that he knew.

Except this, I suggested the present authorities of Armenia another mean of treatment by means of music, which also was not accepted and about the usefulness of which medicine and humanity knows, but doesn’t know the ways of using it. I suggest all the nations and people to use these chances and if the states refuse to do it stately, and then do it yourselves in home conditions, the techniques of today have such an opportunity. Each of you turn on your national, classic (organic), music that is hardly possible to listen, and sleep all the night and get up in the morning under the influence of that music. This will bring calmness and rest to all the nations and people, and if a woman follows my method since the moment of impregnation, then the health, beauty and good thinking of the future child will be provided.

Of course these are small things and passing them after a long time entered into a new phase: the phase of recovery (immortalization) of the human being. I’ll try to explain the significance and possibilities of this phenomenon. We have been looking for the idea for a long time but there weren’t all the completed and chain technologies. I let you all know the principal secret that all the information of a human being (memory, structure, etc.) is in the blood and skin. So there is need to found centers of the support of so called “National genetic fund''''. This means to take from 50-100 grams of blood from every person and a small piece of skin (preferably from the tender loin) not died skin, to freeze it immediately, to keep under the conditions that we demand, so as after finishing the whole technical experiments towards the human being, which requires a lot of time from us and guaranteed conditions from the authorities, to restore physically the human being of any age within several hours, but at the same level of notion, when the information / blood and skin were taken/. You yourself understand how many people will leave us till we finish the whole experiments towards the human being and possibly without return.

Inventions, the economical-financial value of which always will be more tan all the economy-wealth of the planet taken wholly. Practically it''s a mass defense weapon that is the weapon of all the weapons by which we have put an end to all the terrorisms, fights and wars, which are done because of the lack of the ''''grass weapon''''. If the states don''t believe, understand and want to found such centers, then I''ll be very pleased with the states that will permit to found such centers in their territory by the joined control. In extreme situations I suggest individuals to keep the information of your relatives/ blood and skin/ in not guaranteed home conditions, where you’ll meet a lot of difficulties to create conditions close to the demanded conditions.

After finding out these means /technologies/ we have entered the last and the most difficult phase of the “Human” science, that can astonish every person and the opportunities of which in our ideological process now is the half and if it is possible to find out a bit more , then we’ll let you all know, though I want to give you a hope, the time shows that if something has entered into our ideological closed interior territory and mixed up with it, then we realize it and time is needed. It refers to the turning opposite process to revive from the dead by means of the genetic information of the heirs, relatives those who have left us.

I hope to bring you close to the main secret of the space.

  Gagik Petrosyan
Translated from Armenian unto English
Tomorrow will be late!
15.11.2007 To rulers of supreme
Authority of all countries:

This is to notify the members of supreme authority (president, government and legislative authorities) of your country about a message of ultimate significance for you of my .

On 1 June 2007 ambassadors of a number of countries in Eastern Armenia have been sent a written notification by me about it and, like the present authorities of Eastern Armenia, they showed untidiness to this great, universal, humane and inevitable phenomenon inflicting irresponsibility to the fate and fortune of all nations and people so far at the disposal of authorities.

This is the last time I am notifying you, requiring not to blindly close the way between the universe and human population on Planet Earth forming part of it, fulfill my demands clearly presented to you.

I am asking you to correctly understand and appreciate the situation, not to take any unnecessary, careless, arbitrary steps, nor any politically � motivated steps, towards this singular, wonderful and extraordinary phenomenon already becoming a reality in order to make a historically truthful decision.

Remember that a wrong and silent attitude to your people on your part will ultimately lead to an ever strict responsibility tomorrow by nations and peoples as well. Authorities are constituted to, in particular, support people, but not to put obstacles in their way.

I am warning the supreme authorities of all states that all of you will be held responsible (president, government and legislative authorities) individually. All those members of supreme authorities who, until 24:00 in Yerevan Time, 31 December 2007, fail to submit an individual or collective consent to my demands; they will be deprived of their right to recover. I am obligated to take this drastic measure for billions of people on earth suffer because of your wrong attitude, and it is better to have some ten thousands of people leave us for ever than have them rule the fates and fortunes of billions.

Please be informed in advance that no one, irrespective of their position, standing, wealth, religion and other circumstances, can avoid the punishment of non-recovery. If you don't believe, realize nor wish, please don't violate others opportunities and rights to be healed, live long and recover, that they are endowed with by god.

There is no other way; all the roads lead to Ararat-to salvation.

Gagik Petrosyan , author of message
Original in Eastern Armenian

If you are not informed, I would like to inform you about the internet message which became very important to all of us, in order to make a right and deliberate decision in a short time for You, Your family, relatives and for all the humanity.

It has been already three years that the Authorities has not taken the preliminary step towards this inescapable, equal, wonderful and already becoming a true, unordinary phenomenon.

Dear Mr. President, as I’ve already promised, your antecedent and higher representatives of the Authorities are already deprived of their right of immortality- restoration of the life.

I’d like you not to be in confusion, delusion in such difficult, hard problems as your antecedents. I repeat again: take care of You, Your family, relatives and all the population of our planet.

As I was informed the first, necessary, but not satisfactory step was already taken liquidating the prohibition of forthcoming researches done by the scientists. The humanity must not expect for futile apparent “success” , when we already have our scientific revolutions, so it’s necessary to fulfill our requirements, achieving one common belief and concept, so as our success will reach and serve the population-humanity of our planet.

If you don’t believe in our great success, I can publish one of our small inventions with a serious and constant guarantee of your state, any organization in the world or individual in the presence of any honest physician-scientist, which will relieve and become free from many diseases and illnesses, lessening the statistics of hard attacks (heart attacks, stroke, paralysis) the advantage of which, be assure, won’t dispute any scientist or physician.

This preliminary, major step has been taken so as all the scientists, physicians, authorities and all the humanity could believe in our success and orientate themselves properly in order to realize human opportunities, discovered by us as soon as possible.

If you won't accept my easy, honest, human steps, I can assure that disbelief will destroy the humanity.

If a new Judas irrespective of his position, standing, wealth, religion and other circumstances, hopes to extract the technology by other methods, I assure that it will not succeed (The space won't fail this time).

I am asking you one more time not to take any unnecessary, careless, arbitrary steps, nor any politically – motivated steps, towards this singular, wonderful and extraordinary phenomenon already becoming a reality in order to make a historically truthful decision.

There is no other way; all the roads lead to Ararat - to salvation.

The Science and not the Illiteracy is the Authority /signature/                                    





At the end of 2007 I notified supreme authorities of nearly all countries considering themselves civilized about the most precious and significant discoveries of humanity and my demands, however, civilized supreme authorities of the civilized world showed untidiness and immorality towards the fate and fortune of the entire humanity subjecting themselves to irresponsibility and fecklessness renounced me and, trampling on the entire humanity, and delayed the making of a historically right decision in regard to this inevitable, singular, wonderful and extraordinary phenomenon already becoming a reality.

Mind, rulers elected by yourselves and beloved by many, simply treated inanely your rights and opportunities, so time has come to be protected from and get rid of those inane rulers which I have started and which must be further carried on by you always having me as your protector.

As I promised, members of supreme authorities of all countries that have been communicated on my demands via electronic communication and from whom I have not received consent until December 31,2007, they have been deprived of their right to recover and, unfortunately, applying their dirty and rude manner of temporarily blocking the ways up to now, they violate the rights and opportunities you have been endowed with by  God, on which you can be informed in my website of utmost importance.
Time has come to call the authorities to account that you must carry on calmly and in a well-weighed manner, I repeat, always having me as your protector.

To speak frankly, I did not even suspect of such a course, however, the true and sensible must triumph and it is only you who have a right of self-defense. The only way for you to get rid of this slavish condition: if you are unable to be timely rid of those faithless, godless rulers, then in the next elect solely the one who will believe, understand and wish to carry out my demands, consequently the observance of your rights and realization of your opportunities.

To owners of mass media, leaders and employees: with no comment, report to humanity on our intellectual capacities and demands for which henceforth you are held responsible in moral and legal sense. As my internet connection resources are limited, I am unable to go on with further report leaving to your judgment and responsibility the fact of the betrayal, clear without comment, of authorities elected by yourselves,

There is no other way: all the ways lead to Ararat-to salvation!


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